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New Work Centerpieces at HRW.

Agile seminar rooms help to create an innovative learning environment at the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences.

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Meet the Ruhr West University Of Applied Sciences (HRW)

The Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences in Mülheim, Germany, is a renowned institution offering diverse educational programs. With a strong focus on practical learning, HRW prepares students for their careers in various fields such as engineering, economics, and computer science. The university promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and fosters innovation through industry partnerships and research projects. HRW's modern facilities, dedicated faculty, and emphasis on hands-on experience create a dynamic learning environment.


In a public competition by invitation only, the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences tendered the redesign of its seminar rooms at their Mülheim campus.


Together with students and teachers, we identified needs and requirements. In interdisciplinary workshops, future-oriented IT equipment was defined and must-haves for an innovative learning environment were formulated.


The basic idea of our concept is a functional centre that promotes joint learning, brings students together, and offers a variety of different working opportunities. We created a central object for each room that differs in its function from room to room, but remains true to the basic idea of exchange and flexible working. The design accommodates the respective requirements of each room in a compact and functional way. Surrounding functional add-ons complement our "centrepieces" and help to create an agile and flexible learning environment. Strong colours highlight the centrepieces, thus creating a clear spatial focus and help to structure the space.

Key Deliverables

Interdisciplinary Workshops

Building Analysis

Design Concept

Planning & Implementation